840 Clement Street
San Francisco, CA 94118
(415) 387-4552
If you're a 1/6th scale nut like me, you need to venture over to
HEROES CLUB in San Fracisco at once.
HEROES CLUB is the best figure shop in San Francisco. Actually, the best in the Bay Area. The shop is stocked with both recent scale figures and some cool figures from a while back. Heroes Club packs quite a punch when it comes to selection.
The layout of the store is comfortable as well. Far too many places I've ventured into have the stock crammed into corners and up the the ceiling in tiny shops - an arrangement nightmare that makes it painful to browse. Heroes is grand. Well lit and spacious, a collector can not only see the boxes clearly, but can also browse the store length glass case that houses many of the figures that are for sale in the shop. Fantastic if you're shopping or just browsing.
The owner also has a vast array of kit-bashed and custom figures that are amazing! He painstakingly creates figures and has them up for viewing so that others can get ideas and enjoyment out of them. Time and time again I roam the glass wall taking in th workmanship. He even makes items that you can purchase. Fantastic workmanship. Well worth checking out.
If it sounds like I'm gushing over this shop, it's only because I am! :) The shop is pleasant, the owner friendly, and the prices are comparable to fair market.
Can you find things cheaper online? Maybe. But, supporting local owners and real world, physical shops is something people should do more of. Not to mention the fact that you have a real person behind the counter who is willing to stand behind his merchandise and service. And, you get to walk out with something without waiting weeks for the item and paying shipping costs! :)
Heroes Club is hands down my favorite 1/6th scale figure shop!