Wednesday, November 23, 2022

History of the MOORE ESTATE Part Four: Youth

Grazia gasps. She wants to say something about the fire in Italy, but remains silent about it. 

"A powerful caster named Gillian Holroyd helped me find the right spell. A neutral, strange spell from long ago that would draw their power out and focus it outward, removing their ability to cast or draw dark power. I rooted myself firmly at the base of the estate...right by the machine...and sent the spell right up through the estate walls during one of their dark rituals. 

My anger....and the darkness of the estate itself...made the spell warp into something I could not control.
The dark spirits in the Estate lashed out and multiplied. Ran over the Coven like rabid animals and dragged them all down...down through the Estate's very foundation and deep into the earth. Buried alive." Olivia draws in a breath. 

"The machine burst to life at the surge of power and I could not shut it down. When I tried to flee, I was caught in the machine's power and felt like I was being ripped apart. Darkness wrapped around me and I thought I was dead. The machine overloaded and failed, shutting down finally. 

When I woke up a day later, I was...." She waves a hand over herself. "I went from almost 60 years old to roughly 35. Kado seemed to think it was the way the machine interacted with my particular power of healing, but we're still not sure. The trick doesn't last, however. I have to use the machine on myself from time to time to keep up my appearance. A powerful glamour I paid dearly for prevents people outside of my circle from thinking about my being this age for a prolonged period of time."

"Fascinating." Grazia shakes her head. "Truly amazing." She does the math. " are...98 years old?" 

Olivia nods. "Yes, and now firmly on the Path of Light if you are wondering. And whatever is left of the Coven below has been sealed after Mother tried to return a year or so ago. And the poisoning of the Italy Coven you warned me about." 

Her words hold so much weight Grazia turns away. 

"And here we are. Fighting more darkness surrounding this Estate and its power. I should just burn the whole of it down." She looks around. "But there are too many forces at play that want it to remain standing."

Grazia nods. "So...we make sure that it does." She and Olivia stand and approach each other. Grazia takes Olivia's hands in hers and nods, the first time in a long while she's felt like she's picked the right person to trust. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

History of the MOORE ESTATE Part Three: Olivia Moore

Olivia asks Tanner to make sure she and Grazia have some privacy. Tanner brings wine, then stations herself outside of the room. 

Once settled, Olivia takes a deep breath and thinks back over memories she's buried deep. So deep. 

"I was born in Florence in 1924." Olivia registers the look on Grazias face and smiles. "We were an old witching family. We walked the Path of light for generations, but slowly...." She swallows. "Slowly my parents turned to darker magic. I left them as soon as I could, heading out on my own. Getting married. But, when my husband died in World War Two, my sadness and anger about his being gone drove me back to them."

"Political happenings in both our Coven and Italy drove us out of the country in 1946. We came to the United States after a brief stay in the UK. My parents heard about this place and its power and wanted it no matter the cost. Money was not a problem for us with their dark magic. But, the people who watched over the property refused to sell to us. It seems my parents and their dealings back in Italy made them shun us. But, that didn't stop my parents." 

"Mother cast round after round of dark spells and after several members of both the law firm and The Sisters of Light were...dispatched...they let us purchase the property out of fear. Mother made sure the rest of The Sisters of Light paid dearly, angry at their actions." Olivia sighs and shakes her head. "The darkest hour." 

"Threats, intimidation, and a growing Dark Coven gained them more and more power. The magic of the Estate grew more powerful, but harder to control. In 1970 or so, the casting Torben Jørgersen's Father had put into the walls and machinery of this place pushed back on Mother and Father's darkness. The entities that were drawn here to the Estate by its power - ghosts and paranormal beings, were no longer easily cast away by the machine downstairs. My parents tried to boost the spells, but it was no use. They turned to sacrifices. Men and women spirited away to the basement and tortured for energy to power their dark casting. I tried to stop them, but the whole of the Coven rose up against me." 

Olivia's hands start to shake. She takes up her wine, sips, and starts again. 

"I fled back to Italy. I had supporters there. Remanence of a Coven. I changed my name from Moorelli to Moore and started a new life. Started honing my powers and focusing on the light, but the evil of my Parents ate away at me like a cancer." She pauses, her eyes focusing on nothing. " 1980 I flew back here...and killed them all." She sips. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

History of the MOORE ESTATE Part Two: Curiosity

Grazia settles back in with the book about the Moore Estate and is surprised to see that there is a strange addendum in the next section of the book by its author Priscilla Schneider.


When searching through the wine cellar area of the estate, I found a family bible and several notebooks belonging to Amelia Groll – a former resident of the estate. Oddly, it looked like the books – moldy and in very bad shape – we hidden down there. After carefully reading through them, I can see why they were hidden away. Some of the things written within them were stomach curling.    P. Schneider


Grazia reads on….


Addendum – 1930 – March

Professor Enok Jørgersen

Professor Enok Jørgersen heads up the technical work within Asaunta’s Fantasia. While little could be found on Professor Jørgersen, it was said that his expertise was in electrical engineering and spiritualism. An interesting combination to be sure. 

1946 – October

Elizabeth Short is seen entering Asaunta’s Fantasia. She stayed overnight, then flew back to Los Angeles the following day. She was later found dead in January of 1947 and is known posthumously as the Black Dahlia. 

Addendum – December 1946

My initial research showed that Asaunta’s Fantasia was kept empty from the end of 1946 through the year 1951 by the combined efforts of Chambers, Long, and Mitchel – the lawfirm representing Tabitha Oslow-Goodman, and the Sisters of Light group, however that was not the case. 

After Tabitha Oslow-Goodman and Siegbert Werner were found dead in the estate on December 27th, 1946, Asaunta’s Fantasia was indeed closed down from that date until February 1947, but a woman named Luisa Moorelli offered to purchase the estate and grounds towards the end of February. The executors of the estate refused several large offers on Asaunta’s Fantasia and The Sisters of Light refused to meet with Moorelli or her husband Ermanno. 

1947 – March

Sisters of Light leader Beatrice Cunningham falls ill and is forced to remain in bed under careful medical attention. 

1947 – March 

Justine Long of the law firm Chambers, Long, and Mitchel is decapitated in his home in what would be considered the strangest death in the history of the Clairemont River Valley. 

1947 - April 

Priscilla Geis

Sisters of Light member Priscilla Geis poisons her husband and three children. She then walks to the local police station, confesses to the crime, and proceeds to claw out her eyes before officers can stop her. She is tried and sentenced to the Conellgrad Sanitarium. She hangs herself there in June of the same year. 

1947 – May

Ermanno and Luisa Moorelli purchase Asaunta’s Fantasia. 


Grazia stares at the book - shocked. Clearly these people were killed off to get the estate. She looks, and finds the section on the Moorellis. 


Ermanno and Luisa Moorelli purchased Asaunta’s Fantasia in May of 1947 after months of making offers to purchase the estate from its executors. Before they were allowed to purchase the property and grounds, however, they were part of an investigation by local authorities involving several strange deaths in March and April of 1947. There was no connection found between the Moorellis and the deaths. 

Ermanno and Luisa Moorelli

Ermanno and Luisa Moorelli came to the United States in February of 1947 after the political situation there became uncomfortable for them. They moved into Asaunta’s Fantasia in June of 1947 with their recently widowed, 25 year old daughter Olivia.  Olivia Moorelli’s husband Claudio was killed in World War II just two months before the end of the war. 

Olivia Moorelli (Moore) - circa 1955


Grazia blinks and stares out into the room. 

“Olivia Moorelli.  25 years old in 1947.” She narrows her eyes, then laughs out loud, forgetting where she is for a moment. “No…no no, this isn’t our Olivia,” she says in Italian. 

A voice whispers back in Italian. “Oh, but it is, Grazia. It is me.” Olivia stares down at her knowing the time to talk is now.