Saturday, February 18, 2023

Weekly Recap - February 12th 2023 Week

Weekly Recap - February 12th 2023 Week

A few people have mentioned that they are a little lost with the plot right now and I don't blame them. heh! I've added a lot of items into the WITCH WAR mix lately and, while I tried to post less frequently, I think there was still too much story to follow in a week. I'll be mixing things up in the future by adding WITCH WAR posts in with some more "day to day" or simple image posts so there isn't so much story in one week to follow. 

That being said....this week's recap! 

Tanner lets Micha know that she heard her and Grazia talking in the garden and that she was not happy about them plotting behind Olivia's back. Tanner tells her to pick a side...or else.

The woman of The House discuss the gifts Wren Sarratt has given Cindy and if they can be trusted. Cindy ays that she's going to lock some of the items away and wait to use the cauldron until Kado gets back from Japan. 

Olivia uses some "tough love" on Micha, telling her that she's no longer welcome at the Manor. Micha begs her for forgiveness and Olivia says she'll think things over. When Micha leaves, Poe appears and Olivia asks for her opinion on the matter. 
Poe says, "My most humble opinion - keep her, but have her on a short leash. And, keep Cindy and the others working with Heather. Maybe she'll be more than Micha ever was in time?"

We finally see the burnt face visage of Tristan Bonhomme. We soon find out that he's on the side of The White Death. 

Grazia is pulled out of her France vacation plans by Martine who enlists her help as backup to get her new Boîte à Bijoux de la Mort (Death Jewel Box) from Tristan. 

Many of the characters were away doing things that were not Instagram friendly on Valentine's Day :::grin::: but, we did see Mark and Darcy in a sweet exchange at CUPPA. The classic "meet cute" where they shared a laugh, then seemingly got back together to talk things out. Interestingly, we see Kim in the background seemingly focused on the interaction...and rubbing her head after Mark and Darcy leave CUPPA. 

Adriano Gelli - the boy Chelsea Bruni and her new ghostly nun friend were seen seemingly kidnapping last week, is reported found and safely returned to his family. His savior - Chelsea Bruni. The boy's mother is Caterina Gelli, the High Priestess in Italy. She requests Chelsea's presence to thank her in person for returning her son and Chelsea is very happy about it. 

Pietronella Zampa has several moments with various people in the Manor. A meeting with Micha where they talk about getting in trouble followed by a little wine and chocolate social in the kitchen. Covering Olivia with a blanket after Olivia's sad Valentine's Day thinking about her late husband and the recent news that many people are not happy with her in the witch community. And meeting with Tanner chit chatting in the sun. It seems like each interaction makes the people she speaks with a little brighter and happier. 

Severina works with Claire to refine her animal magic. She helps Claire find a better and more efficient way to communicate with animals with fantastic results. 

The Demon reveals that the Witch War will benefit her - tossing the witches into a distracting battle, then harvesting a power that will take her into a higher power plane and make her even more powerful. She wants to meet with Janice to make sure things keep escalating. 

Elke is set to meet with Kriemhild Gilbert, Lotte Schulze, and their Coven-mate Lisset. However, Elke has other plans. She works with a loyalist to weaken the defenses Kriemhild has set in place, then sends Tristan in to remove them from play. Lotte and Lisset are violently killed, but we're not sure what happened to Kriemhild. 

While Janice isn't happy about having to do The Demon's work, she is happy about the prospect of being put in as the Supreme Priestess of the Fantômes de Sang (vampire witches). 

The Witch War is in full swing. I made this little chart to explain the sides and loyalties as it stands now. It shows who walks THE PATH OF LIGHT. who walks THE PATH OF DARKNESS, and who falls somewhere in the middle at the moment. I hope it helps a bit! 

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