Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Mahir Kazi's Interview with pINK yET gREY

Mahir Kazi’s interview with the band PINK YET GREY took place on the patio of CUPPA in the Clairemont River Valley – their base of operations. They sipped and sunned as a cool breeze welcomed in Springtime.

Interviewer: Welcome, everyone! Let's start with a brief introduction to Pink Yet Grey. How did the band come together?

Opal: Thanks for having us! Well, it all started a few years back when Pink Yet Grey was a different entity, you know. We can’t talk about that here. (( Opal rolls her eyes)) Willow and Sarah, AKA Da Twins, were jamming together in BABY, but didn’t like the direction the band was going.. They met Flavie at Bon Voyage in 2019, and they instantly clicked. When the plants aligned, we knew we had something special, so we re-formed Pink Yet Grey.

Interviewer: That's fantastic! What's the story behind the band's name?

Willow: They wanted something that reflected the contrast in their music, right Opal? 

Opal: Yes, the soft, melodic side (pink) and the edgy, raw side (grey). Pink Yet Grey just felt right. It still does – even more now that we’ve changed it up.

Interviewer: It's definitely catchy! How would you describe your musical style?

Sarah: We like to think of our style as a blend of indie rock with a touch of dream pop. We're influenced by a wide range of artists and genres, so our sound is constantly evolving.

Interviewer: That sounds like a unique mix! Can you tell us about your songwriting process?

Flavie: Sure! It usually starts with one of us bringing a riff, a melody, or even just a lyrical idea to the table. Then, we all collaborate to flesh it out and bring it to life. Sometimes it's a smooth process, and other times it takes a bit of trial and error, but that's all part of the fun.

Interviewer: Collaboration is key! What inspires your lyrics?

Opal: Our lyrics are often inspired by personal experiences, emotions, and observations. We try to write about things that are relatable and meaningful to us, hoping that they'll resonate with our listeners as well.

Interviewer: That's wonderful. Do you have any upcoming projects or performances that your fans can look forward to?

Willow: Absolutely! We've been working on some new music that we're really excited about, so stay tuned for that. And we're hoping to hit the road soon for some live shows, once it's safe to do so.
Interviewer: We'll definitely keep an eye out for those! Before we wrap up, is there anything else you'd like to share with our audience?

Sarah: Just a big thank you to all of our fans for their love and support. We wouldn't be here without you, and we're so grateful for every single one of you.

Willow: For the dating record, I’m a switch hitter and love playing for both teams. ( Willow gives a thumbs up )

(( The band laughs ))

Flavie: We get propositioned a lot, but we’re not accepting application at this time.
(( More laughter ))

Opal: OH! Fabriza B. – our manager – will slay me if I don’t remind people to sign up for our newsletter on the website and like and subscribe on our YouTube channel! 

Interviewer: Thank you all so much for taking the time to chat with us today. It's been a pleasure getting to know Pink Yet Grey!

Opal: Thank you for having us! It's been a blast.


pINK yET gREY will be headlining WDAL's SPRING FLING THING June 2024

(( Interview created with CHATGPT ))

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