Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The Italia Coven Saga Start


Once Upon A Time In Finland and the ONE SIX GO Instagram pages are going to do a little crossover story soon! I'm putting some of the stories from my page up here so people can catch up before we get into full swing! (Mostly text with some images



Severina takes a break to center herself. Being away from home for so long has made her feel slightly off. Unbalanced. At least that's what she suspects is happening.

She wanders and finds a field away from everything. A perfect spot to sit and find herself. She positions herself and raises her hands. She starts to whisper her chant - eyes staring forward towards a tree in the distance. A cool breeze cools her skin.

She feels the flowers brushing at her legs. The firm ground is warm under her. Some insects land on her to investigate her skin, then fly off again.

Severina starts to feel her center align....then....

A flash of a woman in white. Cruel eyes. Her silvery white hair glistening. Far away...but plotting. Scheming. The woman turns and...

Severina snaps from the vision. She's panting and sweating. She speaks in Italian. "No....this can not be! She is dead. She has to be dead. I need to inform Olivia right away. She's in great danger!"

Severina usually shuns technology when she can, but calls Olivia right away requesting a visit. Olivia makes it clear yet again that she never needs to ask first and says she looks forward to seeing her. Severina heads there right away.


"I thought you were on your way to Torben, then heading home. Not that it's not nice to see you again." Olivia smiles.

Severina's eyes are serious. "He'll have to wait. Olivia...." She thinks, then, "I'm not certain, but I think there may be another of the coven members...still alive."

Olivia's smile fades.

"I had a vision. It was strong...powerful. In it...I saw hair of white and felt the presence of Elke Giacomina."

"Morte Bianca..." Olivia whispers. A shiver runs over her briefly. "How sure are you?"

"Sure enough to contact a few of our loyalists in Italy to see if there is anything to it." She shakes her head. "Of all the people to have been missed in the...accident." Her eyes narrow. "If she is still alive...."

Olivia hangs her head and whispers, "Why did I believe that such a blunt solution would work?"

"It was them or you. Us. That Sect was a cancer. It was taking a once proud and powerful coven and turning it into a plague." She hisses out, "Possano tutti marcire!" and spits on the floor.

"I need to get Kado and Hiroto here right away. And Tanner." She starts planning right away. "Tell the girls at the house to be extra aware of those around them."

"I can come back here after seeing Torben. Help you build your defenses."

Olivia shakes her head. "You've already done so much. I can't ask you to do that."

A smile can be seen in Severina's eyes. "You didn't ask. I offer." She touches Olivia's shoulder.

Return 01

The house is lovely. A picture perfect domain. The dead bodies seem out of place - gore and blood coating the walls and floor of the entryway. The men and woman that cower before the old crone terrified now that their friends and family lay scattered around the home.

The younger man raises his hands and pleads in Italian. "Morte Bianca...I beg of you. We've done everything you have asked of us. The boat...the money...bringing you to this place of worship." He motions around. "I ask that---" A shot rings out and the man's face flies free of his skull.

The old crone smiles. "I don't remember asking him a damn thing, do you Chelsea?"

The little blonde smiles and replies, "Not a gawd damn thing, Mum." She places the smoking gun on the table in front of her.

The crone looks ridiculous in the outfit she wears. Her skin is wrinkled and leathery grey and her eyes are pale and sunkin. She looks like she's well over 85 years old, but she wears the clothing of a much younger woman.

The woman before her shouts, "Please...if you do this, this sacred place will die. You will take its power."

The crone smiles.

Return 02

"Pity." The old crone points to the man. "Say the words." She's filled with rage when he stares back at her blankly. "SAY THE WORDS....or this one..." she points to the sobbing woman, "..will be burned alive."

The little blonde Chelsea slips a Zippo from her pocket and flicks it - her face dull and emotionless.

The man thinks for a moment - tears filling his eyes - and begins the chant. The room's air seems to grow thick as he presses a panel in the wall. He continues to chant as machine workings clank and bang deep within the walls.

The crone in white stands in an ornate circle on the floor. The little blonde steps back.

A light ripples through the crone. Alternating heat and cold swirls in the room and the light in the circle grows stronger building to a blast of blinding light. Then, all is quiet with a loud snap. There's a smell of sulfur and iron in the air.

"Well?!" The crone is no more. A woman with white hair stares around at Chelsea. "Did it work?!" She smiles when she hears her own voice - young and sultry again.

Chelsea smiles. "Yes. Yes it worked, Madame Giacomina." She smiles wide as Elke Giacomina admires the smooth skin on her wrinkle free hands.

"Lovely....I need a mirror." She starts off down the hall and calls back, "Chelsea..." and waves her hand dismissively.

Chelsea snatches the gun from the table before her and stomps into the center of the room. "Right. That's it for you lot. You done good." She raises the gun and shoots the man in the face, sending him flying back over the sofa.


Chelsea shugs and shoots the woman in the chest. Two more shots are fired into them for good measure. "And that's that." Chelsea wipes the gun and tosses it to the floor.

Villa Morelli - Part 01
:::All dialogue in Italian::::

Another ambulance arrives at the Villa Morelli and the little blonde directing the show notes that they finally got the message about no sirens being needed. None of the victims were going to be in need of rushed service tonight.

The blonde shouts up to two men on the upper level. "When you are done on the balcony, make sure that window is closed. I don't want the wind messing up my crime scene!" Her voice is loud and clear and demands more attention than her small frame would imply.

"Detective Bruni?"

Detective Chelsea Bruni turns to address the man. "Yes, Vitale?"

The man is curt and to the point, knowing that's what she expects. "So far, a total of 11 bodies. 3 children."

Chelsea stops herself from laughing. She guesses that they have not found the pretty little boy she killed hung up in the garage yet if they only had 3 kids counted. He was particularly gruesome business. They needed his eyes and heart for the ritual.

Villa Morelli - Part 02
:::All dialogue in Italian::::

Detective Bruni crosses herself. "Damn it...." She stares at him for a moment. "And the weapon?"

"It does in fact check out as the same caliber as the Villanueva case. The same strange markings found on the blunt trauma area of Daniele Villanueva as well. Detective Segreto informed the Chief and he's passing the information on to a new contact - Tomas Jansen. Guess he's looking at the Villanueva Case from a different angle."

Chelsea feels the floor drop out from under her. "Wait...what?" Who the F^CK is Tomas Jansen?!"

Detective Vitale braces himself. "" He curses and pulls his notepad from his back pocket. He wanted to be able to do this without his notes. "Uh..."

"Come on...Jesus...." Detective Bruni rolls her head on her shoulders.

"Finnish guy. in the Finnish Security and Intelligence Agency? Retired police?"

"You ASKING me or TELLING me?!" She sighs and motions towards the gate. "Go and keep those vultures back. Can you do that - keeping the press out of here?"

He nods and jogs to the gate.

Chelsea rubs her head. Finland? What the hell. All of this was happening too fast. Just when they get Morte Bianca heading back to full strength, this ridiculous loose end resurfaces? She'll need to contact Elke Giacomina right away about this.
Find out more about Mr. Jansen over at @once_upon_a_time_in_finland

Chelsea shows up to her meeting with Elke Giacomina frantic and in a panic. The drugs she took before driving over have really kicked in and didn't calm her wish was the desired effect. She rants like a madwoman.

"F^CKING FINLAND?! Those people. They did that whole thing - talking about putting seeds in the pockets of Russian soldiers so they could see flowers growing where their DEAD BODIES WERE BURIED! Now this cop...." Chelsea paces and rattles off madness in Italian. "That Villanueva is still after me from beyond!"

The woman in white before her taps the wooden wall and says nothing.

Rain clouds gather and the first few drops of rain start to fall. Chelsea curses under her breath - colder now than when the sun was up. The pacing and her pounding heart keep her spouting.

"And Vitale can't keep his F^CKING MOUTH shut for a second! And I can't KILL the idiot because it would lead right back to all of this OTHER SH!T!" Chelsea is losing it and knows it.

Elke Giacomina whispers something. Her voice is deep, coarse, and strong. A light starts to emanate from her hands as she starts to speak. A mere parlor trick, but effective. Her voice thrills and chills Chelsea. "You need to calm down. Now."

Chelsea feels her brain spin down instantly. She has the same feeling she has right before sleep hits her at night. She stops pacing and stares at the light.

"And if dear Detective Vitale isn't getting the message...." Elke Giacomina turns and faces Chelsea. The powerful light that's coming from her and around her illuminates her as darkness starts to fall. She smiles. "We'll just have to...enlighten the poor man...." She grins.

Detective Vitale and Detective Bruni stand in back of Villa Morelli. Both are thinking of the case as they look over the cliff and down at the waves.

Vitale thinks about other possible connections to the family that was killed as he watches some of the other officers on the case walk towards the people on the beach below to ask them questions.

Detective Chelsea Bruni thinks about how easy it would be to tie up this particular loose end by shoving Vitale off the damn cliff.

Vitale stares down off the cliff at the officers. "They could have used the path over there. Would have been quicker I think." He smiles. "Waste of time if you ask me - questioning them down there. There's no way they could have heard anything that went on up here."

Chelsea quietly walks forward - ready to push him off. She glances around to make sure the others are still in the house.

"I'll see what else the paperwork I found turns up when we get back."

She stops. "Paperwork?"

"Yes. Items I found on Daniele Villanueva. I have them back at the station. Don't worry, I let the bossman know that you and I were working on it. I'm not trying to get all the credit myself." He chuckles.

Chelsea turns and places her hands on the wall as she tries to push her anger down.

"You ok?" Vitale looks back at her.

"Yes. I'm just not a fan of heights." She grinds her teeth.

:::conversations in Italian:::::

Detective Vitale walks into the office and nods to the man behind the desk.

The large man motions to the small cart full of liquor in the corner. "Help yourself, Detective Vitale." He grins his broken grin knowing Vitale would have helped himself with permission or not. "How are things?"

"Playing the idiot? Thrilling." He grabs the bottle of J&B and a glass.

The man behind the desk grimaces. "I only keep a bottle of that around because you love it. It's disgusting."

"Delicious." Detective Vitale sips the whiskey. "I think she was going to try and kill me today. I saw it in her eyes."

"We just need a little more time. We're still getting organized. The Finns will be here soon. The AFDA will smile on you for your service here."

"As long as I don't get my head chopped off between here and the end." Detective Vitale downs his whiskey...and pours another.

Detective Angelo Vitale pulls the bottle off the shelf and pours before he even realizes what he's doing. He screws the cap back on and takes the bottle with him, sipping at the glass of whiskey as he walks. He leans against the wall and sighs. The pressure of this case and the cat and mouse nature of it is taking its toll.


He hears his wifes footsteps approaching. "In here."

"Did you just get in?" She sees the bottle and glass and her face goes cold.

"Yes." He sips.

"I thought you were stopping." She nods to the glass.

He stares. "Yeah."

"Come to bed're done. Don't sleep down here again. Ok?" She doesn't wait for an answer before turning and leaving the room.

He takes another sip.


••NOTE: Potential trigger warning! Child mortality**

Olivia sees the number and knows there must be some sort of mistake. Or...

Olivia answers the phone. "Hello?"


Olivia stares forward. Her hand quivers.

"Mom? It's me, Christine."

Olivia's lip quivers. Impulsively she chokes out, "Christine?"

"Why did you do it, Mother? I thought you loved me. You cried when I left for college. Why would you do those horrible things to me? Why would you kill me, Mommy." The voice on the other end of the line sobs.

Olivia can feel the spell drifting through the device and inside her head, but it doesn't change the pain and sorrow inside her. Part of her wants to lash out. Try to strike back. But she knows she's too emotional to make it work properly without knowing more. She hangs up and stares down into the garden thinking about just how evil and cruel someone would have to be to do such a thing to her on Mother's Day.

:::conversations in Italian::::

Elke Giacomina's head is splitting - the headache raging horribly, but it's worth it. She manages a grin as the stifling smoke and coppery smell in the air drifts towards the window and fades.

"Poor Christine." Morte Bianca laughs bitterly. She glances over at the nude man hanging upside down before her.

Tears are drifting out of his eyes towards his forehead and an unsightly string of snot from his nose hangs over his left eye. He looks drained and grey. His dark hair looks curled and smokes and his face looks sunburned, the energy Elke used for the spell singeing them.

"You've been a naughty boy, but the help you've given me for my little call...has been lovely." She whispers, "Now...just a few more things...." She moves towards the man and he whimpers.

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