Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Italy Crossover - 2022 - PART 08 - Meeting Morte Bianca


Meeting Morte Bianca - Part 01 

Vitale is walked down a long hallway that seems to bend at odd angles. He and Petri pass through several doors and by the end, Vitale is completely confused as to where they are and where they started. Smart, he thinks - if he did manage to get away from Petri, he'd have no idea where to run. 

The last door opens and a floral scent hits Vitale. His eyes water. Inside the room, the lights are low. It's warm and cozy where the rest of the house seemed cold and grim. 


Four figures are inside and Vitale sees that one is Detective Zampa. He smiles at her, happy that she's alive. 

Someone strokes Zampa like some sort of pet. Tall...blonde.... Vitale puts his money on it being Danuta Szymańska. 

The one in white, the Morte Bianca woman. But, she doesn't look like she's 101 years old. And the other - she looks like a statue and Vitale isn't sure if she's real or set decoration until the massive sickle in her hand twists slightly. 


 "Petri, please remove those awful cuffs from our guest." Elke's voice is soft and kind. "We're so sorry for this little...episode, Detective." 

Meeting Morte Bianca - Part 02  


Detective Zampa looks at Vitale. She looks sad and scared, but strong. 

"You're alive." 

"You are too." Vitale smiles, hoping she gets his meaning. 

She seems to when she sits up - remaining strong. 




"Let's start things off with a little refreshment. Your favorite indulgence, I believe?" Elke motions to the J&B on the table. "Please..." 


Vitale looks at the glass and bottle. It looks like they grabbed his Daniele Villanueva files. Part of him really wants a drink right now, but the situation makes him think better of it. 

"No thank you." 

The blonde moves to him, ax in hand. 


"Drink the f^cking drink or I'll break your jaw and toss it in myself." 


Vitale hears the accent, probably Polish. He takes the glass and the woman taps it with her ax. He smells it, then takes a sip. He stares at the women. "Delicious," he says blankly. "Thank you for the hospitality. Now, Detectives Zampa and Segreto and I would like to leave." He frowns as the blonde and the woman in red laugh. 

Elke frowns under the mask wondering why Vitale isn't swooning from the drink. She'd address that later.



Meeting Morte Bianca - Part 03

 "Detective, we seem to have come to a crossroads. You have become involved in a situation that's bigger than you and your...organization." Elke smiles behind the mask. "Unfortunate for us both. However, I believe we can come to a resolution that suits us both. One you all can walk away from." 


Detective Vitale smiles. "Where we arrest you all for murder, kidnapping, and various other things?" He hopes his voice sounds more calm than he actually feels. 

The blur of movement that happens next must be some trick of the light. 


Elke moves on him quickly, suddenly before him. Her voice drifts to him quietly. 

"I can hear the fear in your voice and you are not wrong. You should be scared, Angelo. Terrified. You are not in control here. You've never been in control and you know it. Your world - the world of your laws, it means nothing to us. Nothing." 

Vitale's concern grows. He thinks they are some anarchist cult and starts to worry more. 

Elke rests her hands on Vitale's shoulders. 

"Detective...you do understand that with one sweep of my hand...you, Pietronella here, Marco down in the cellar...and your beautiful wife Angela...could just disappear? Either quietly or painfully over months and months." She gives his shoulders a gentle squeeze. They are so tense that it makes her happy. 

Meeting Morte Bianca - Part 04 

Elke stares at Vitale for a moment, then she whispers, "Please show Detective Vitale the grave nature of their situation." 


The big blonde grabs Zampa's head, yanks it back, and snarls out, "Do we hack out some teeth, and eye, or her nose?" 

Zampa tries to push the ax away. 



Elke sighs and raises her hands. "Life...death....or compromise, Detective?" She turns and walks to Detective Zampa. She waves the ax away, then says, "Pietronella here has been well taken care of. Lovely accommodations, food, and comfort. We've explained our plight and how we can all benefit from this...situation." 


Zampa blurts out, "She said that she's trying to find these...people...and that once she does, she's leaving. Offered us Chescu...Sorellani....Petchelli...all served up on a silver platter if we just leave her alone." 

She can see Vitale's eyes go wide at the list. Heavy hitters that do far more damage than this White death and her people have done. 


"We just need to...look the other way, Angelo." Tears well in her eyes as she whispers, "I don't want to die...."


Meeting Morte Bianca - Part 05 

"Do YOU want to die, Angelo?" She whispers, "Do you want your lovely wife Angela to die? Detective Segreto's wife and his little girls...to die? No...of course not." She puts her hands on her hips. "And, what sort of damage have Chescu, Sorellani, and Petchelli caused with their mob dealings, hmmm?" 

Vitale knows exactly what kind of damage...and just how hard it's been to get anything on I Tre Grandi. 

"Petri, escort Detectives Vitale and Segreto to Detective Zampa's room - uncuffed. See that they all get a nice meal. They have a lot of serious thinking to do. I want an answer this evening, Detective." She pats his face softly and Petri leads him out. 


"And Zampa?" Vitale says over his shoulder. 

 "She'll join you shortly, Detective." 

Elke taps the table. "Danuta." 

Danuta lifts Zampa up like a doll and moves her towards Elke. 


Detective Zampa lifts her hands. "I did what you said. I followed through." 


Elke looks at her. "You did a lovely job, Petronella. I'm sure you understand the path we are all on and the outcomes you and I would prefer. Just make sure you help the other detectives see the path, then everything will be just fine." 


 Detective Zampa looks at Elke with hope in her eyes, then gets pulled away by Danuta. 

Elke returns her gaze to the whiskey. 

"Luciana...come." The woman in red takes a few steps forward. 

"Yes, Morte Bianca?" "The whiskey. Did you see to it as I asked?" Elke's voice is like ice. 



Luciana can hear Elke's tone and goes on the defensive. 


"I did. I used my deepest magic. He should have been BEGGING to do what you asked. There must have been some sort of counter spell he had. Perhaps the same one he used against the little blonde bitch and her perfume? The gypsy woman's tricks. She--" She's cut off. 






"Ah...Luciana remembers the gypsy woman that was working with his wife now...after the fact. Wonderful." Elke drags her nails over the table. "But she f^cking forgets to take that into account when making the items I needed." 

Luciana draws the sickle back. This horror. Abomination. She's going to try to burn her for this. To remove her from the picture. She won't stand for it. 


"Promises and bonds were made, Giacomina! I will not stand for this kind of treatment!" 

"Ah...another crossroads. Another choice to be made. Choose wisely, Little One." 

 Luciana draws the sickle back.  


The dance of death begins and ends in a blink of an eye.  

Elke's hand slips under the table and back out again holding a massive knife. Elke spins, drops to one knee, and brings the blade down hard and fast on Luciana's wrist. 


The blade cuts through like a hot knife through butter and Luciana screams under her mask. 

Elke brings the knife up fast and drives it up and under Luciana's mouth at her neck. 

Luciana feels the blade slip into her, piercing through her mouth, tongue, nasal cavity, behind her eyes, and into her brain like a bolt of fire. Then all goes dark for her as she falls backwards and hits the floor. 


Blood pools. 


Elke wipes the blade on Luciana and stands. She removes the mask and calls out, "You...here to me now." She watches the man...or what's left of him...march towards her robotically. 







"Yes, Morte Bianca?" Its voice is wet and gravelly behind the mask. 

She snarls her lip. These things are outliving their welcome. 

"Grab one of those plastic sheets, wrap this woman in it, then take her to the incinerator. Toss her in..." Elke thinks, "...then climb in after her. Off you go." 

"Yes, Morte Bianca." He starts the process and Elke returns to the table. 


"You should have stayed on the path, Daniele Villanueva. You f^cking pain in the ass." She stares at her photo with hate.  


Death Rattle 01 

 Petri stomps into the room with his grunt at his side. He waves to the zombie-like man and growls, 

"What are you doing to my men? They are all getting worse. And some are missing." Petri holds the gun at the ready. 

"Your men?" Elke grins, then clicks her tongue and the lacky stomps to her side. "Back up....you smell." She watches the man stumble back towards the wall, then looks at Petri again. She raises her arms. 


"It seems there is a disconnect. I am in charge here, not you." 


"Oh? Does your MAGIC work against bullets, witch?!"


Death Rattle 02  

Petri feels something run through his back and out his front as Elke slams his gun to the table and holds it there. He tries to scream, but has no air for it. Pain shoots through him. 


"She has me...to work against bullets...." Danuta says as she twists the giant blade and shoves Petri to the floor. 


He looks up at the women, glances at his man, then whispers, "Curse you...burn...in Hell..." 

Danuta thinks for a split second glancing at Elke. It would be easy to run the blade through her as well....but....she raises the blade with a spin, then falls onto Petri, driving the weapon through his eye and into the floor behind his head. "See you there," she grows as she rides the man's body in its death throes. She grinds her hips against him and twists the blade around losing herself in violent passion. Elke watches with a smile. 

Jun 30, 2022, 2:20 PM

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