Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Italy Crossover - 2022 - PART 09 - Farewells


Angela sits in her husband's office...just waiting. She hears people talking outside the door. 

 "She can't stay in there." 

A woman says, "Her husband has been missing for days, Sir. I'm not telling her she has to leave."


"No. I'm sorry, Sir. Write me up." 

A new voice. Chief Trevisan. 

"Sargent Gambro - please return to your desk. Cobrelli, with me please." 

Footfalls and the sound of the Chief admonishing the commanding officer as they walk down the hallway. 


Angela will leave soon, she tells herself. 



"But...how the hell does this work? I mean...how....the door..." Segreto stares up at the ornate door with the insane carvings, then looks at the other two. "I mean...we walked through it to get inside. They brought our food through it. But..." 

"Focus, Segreto." Zampa understands his confusion, but they all needed to finish talking. It's been hours. "The deal. We leave them alone....they free us....they give us the Big Three." 


"Seems too good to be true." Vitale says absently, the events making him question reality itself. "Promises? Do we..." He shakes his head. 

"No...it wouldn't be a trick. If they wanted us dead, they could have done it many times already."


Segreto nods. "We take the deal. One, I want to live. Two..." He motions to the door on the ceiling. "Whatever this is. And The Big Three, Angelo. Drug trafficking, human trafficking, extortion, and more murders every year as they get even bigger." He knows the numbers and has been to the scenes. 

Angelo Vitale nods. 


Zampa calls up to the impossible door. 

"Hey!!!! We're ready to talk! LET US OUT! WE WANT THE DEAL!" 



 Orders 01  

Elke remembers the woman Benedetta Toscani from Civitella San Paolo. 

Remembers her trying to pull women from the burning building. 

Brave. Devoted. And quite mad. 

Working the blackest of magic in her devotion to Elke. 

Elke looks at the woman in white. "So, it's clear to you? You take the three of them to the town square and leave them there with the truck. You'll return with Danuta in the car. And all will be done." 


Benedetta nods. "As you wish, Morte Bianca." Her voice is gravely and hoarse. Damage from the fire taking its toll on her even with the potions and spells cast over her. Slowly healing. 


"And they'll be found quickly, screaming their heads off in the back of a delivery truck with us far away." Danuta nods. 


"If they follow through with their part of the bargain and declare us dead, we can start handing over Sorellani, Petchelli, and Chescu. Our connections are standing by, though I'm not sure how long Morelli will be out at this rate." Elke stares. "Then it's down to Bruni to make good on her side of things...and find out little rats." 



Orders 02

Benedetta hisses, "And make those loyal to the Moore woman pay for going against you. Peel the flesh from their lying faces as we break the bonds that hold you down, Morte Bianca." 

 "Yes. Indeed." Elke waves two of Petri's former goons...now ghouls...over to go with Benedetta to get the three. "You'll take these with you. Expendable. Travel well, Sister." 


Benedetta turns and heads out of the room with the two special ops police ghouls following close behind. She says, "Lunga Vita Morte Bianca!" and heads into the hall. 

"Devoted." Danuta nods. 


"Insane," Elke whispers. "However, she's an extremely talented seer and her spell work is divine. She wants Olivia Moore's head on a pike almost as badly as I do. We just need to keep her in line until we get to the prize." Elke can already feel the power of Olivia Moore's house machine working magic over her skin, bones, and spiritual energies. Her heart races a bit. They are so close. 

"I'll get the truck ready." Danuta moves out. 


"So close now," Elke whispers. "Find me my locks, Little Bruni. Find them."


 Benedetta Toscani mutters to herself as she heads down the hall with the two drones close behind. 

"You two - go on and wait by the prisoner's door. I'll be there shortly." 


"Let them out?" one of them rasps. 

"No...just wait by the door." She watches the two march down the hallway, then she ducks into the room just down the hallway and closes the door behind her. She pulls a large knife from the shelving and looks into the distance. 


"They mock her. They use her. The suckle from her like parasites. But...these three must pay for their evils." She grips the knife tighter. They won't be allowed to interfere. Won't be allowed to keep Morte Bianca from regaining her true power." She slips the knife under her cape and whispers, "Lunga Vita Morte Bianca...." before slipping back out into the hall.



••• ❗️violence ❗️ 💢Read in order💢 Twilight and Evening Bell 01 ••• 

Benedetta Toscani enters the impossible door and the three detectives swoon a bit - dizzy from the nature of the magic and their brains trying to wrap themselves around it. 

The two masked men stand back. 


"I am Benedetta. I'm here to take you home as per Morte Bianca's wishes." She inclines her head slightly. "We will drive you into the city in a truck with a car following. You will be left in the truck while we...take our leave. Understood?" 

The three nod. 

One of the masked ones slides the massive knife from his vest. 

"This way. You may feel some discomfort walking back through the doorway, but it will pass." 

"Discomfort. Like explaining to my wife why I have not been around to help her for days. Maybe I should just stay here." Segreto chuckles to himself as Vitale starts for the door. 

The masked thing draws the knife forward quickly and lunges for Vitale. 

Twilight and Evening Bell 02 ••• 

Chaos erupts in the small space. 

Zampa screams wildly as Segreto is grabbed from behind and held in a grip like iron as the scrambling begins. 

Zampa throws herself at the masked man with the knife and starts to pound on his chest and neck. Anything she can do to even the odds. 

 Benedetta shouts a warning a moment after the knife plunges into Vitale's middle. 

Vitale's training kicks in and he tries to disarm the man in the mask, but the pain of his insides being sliced weakens him. 


Benedetta watches the knife plunge into Vitale a second time, then pulls him back and to the floor in a gesture she hopes will read as helping if need be. 


The masked man grabs Zampa roughly...and plunges the blade into her midsection and chest several times. 


Twilight and Evening Bell 03 ••• 

Detective Pietronella Zampa looks at Vitale with tears in her eyes. She tries to speak, but her mouthed words make no sound as she falls forward to the floor. 


The masked thing turns and moves for Segreto next. He's kicked between the legs, but it doesn't register as he continues to move forward, blade raised high. 


The masked man brings the knife down over and over again as Segreto curses and kicks out against his attacker to no avail. 

He goes still and the second masked man lets him fall to the floor - gone. 


A woman screams something ancient and dark at the top of her lungs - Elke screams the commands she's woven into the masked men's minds over time and they simply forget how to breathe. 

They clutch their throats as their air supply fades and they fall to the ground. 

Elke rushes to Vitale's side and drops down to him. 

He mutters, "Angela....Angela...." 

Elke growls, "Get Martine in here now to fix this!" 

 "At once!" Benedetta says. She turns to run for Martine...a smile on her face.  

Martine watches the two bodies being carried out of the room, then enters and gasps. 


"What the hell?!" Her French accent is thick and her voice shocked. "What happened here?! I thought they were being sent home!" 

Elke ignores the comment. "Can you fix him?" There's an urgency in her voice. 

Martine Cousineau whispers, "Maybe...I need to see." 





"Then I suggest you look." Elke's voice is back to the cold spike. 

Martine takes her box and kneels by Vitale. She opens it and the odd collection of items within is revealed. Her magic is deep...dark...and powerful. 

Danuta whispers, "I'm sorry you dispatched that creepy, red death b!tch Luciana. She deserved more than a cut off hand and brain piercing for this. Her and her damn zombie bastards." There is pure venom in her voice. 


"We can still fix this," Elke growls. 


Martine checks Vitale's wounds, then begins to chant and sway over him and his wounds. Several items in the box...start to quiver and move. 

The room grows cold. Darker. 

And things move in the shadows. 


Martine is exhausted when she returns to Danuta and Elke. She's worked every bit of magic she can to save the detective, but she's still not sure he'll make it. 

Danuta refers to Martine as The Cat and Elke can't unsee it now. "Well?" 


"I've done what I can. Runa is with him now. The thing did a lot of damage with that knife. And had a lot of time to do it." She shakes her head. "Two dead...one critically injured...all with Benedetta right there in the room with them?" 


"What are you saying, kitty cat?" Danuta examines the weapon. "You think it was Benedetta's doing, not Luciana?" Danuta waits. 


"I'm not picking sides. It was a statement of fact." Martine narrows her eyes. "It's just getting a bit dangerous around here...don't you think?" 

Elke cuts in. "I appreciate your efforts, Martine. I won't forget your hard work here. It's important work to the Coven. Why don't you rest now." 

 Martine excuses herself and leaves the room. 


Danuta raises the weapon. "Well, that makes three of us thinking the same thing. What the hell was Benedetta doing all that time while that f^cking thing was going knife crazy? Laying with poor Detective and comforting him in his time of need?" Her face is serious and tight. 

Elke looks at Danuta. "Perhaps it's time to speed up the timetable...before any other accidents occur. Find Bruni." 



Madame Rosetti slips through the back streets and is already missing the comfort of her shop and the customers who came to her for help. Tears start in her eyes, but she pushes them back. Not now. Not when she's this close. 

Olivia Moore had been so sweet on the phone. She understood the situation. The fact that the promise made to her ages ago needed to be broken. Elke Giacomina needed to be let go or they would all be dead in a few days or weeks now. She couldn't be her lock anymore. 

"Fortuna?" A man's voice. 

Madame Rosetti jumped and turned to face the speaker. "I am Madame Rosetti, Sir." 

"You can drop the act, Miss. I can see through your glamour." The bearded man laughs softly. "We need to go. I have one more to pick up on the way. We need to get you out of here." 


Madame Rosetti looks at the man, then slowly lets the glamour go, shifting back into her real self. 

"That's better. What do I call you? Madame Rosetti? Fortuna?" 

"Fortuna....for now." 

"Fair enough. Let's get out of here before the Pol shows up and kills us both." The big man moves off and as soon as his back is turned, Fortuna can't remember what his face looks like. 

Some warlock trick...and a good one. 


"Last call to flight ABN2003 on gate 35"

The lawyer Morelli barely can keep his excitement at bay. His forged passport worked, he was past the security checks, his suitcase was packed with cash and he was just steps away of get rid of Italy, Morte Bianca's claws and police heat from his heels.

Just few steps from the gate and new life awaited him abroad. What a bliss to just wash his hands from all this. He almost could taste of a ice cold Pina Colada in his mouth.

- Signor Lombardi? He hears someone calling him.
- Yes?

- Should I rather call you Signor Morelli? The man says and Morelli knows his cover is blown. He makes last desperate dash for the gate and the airplane waiting for him.

Tomas smirks. Go ahead and try to run. There's nowhere to go.

 Andreea stares from the window, smoking. Tomas let’s himself to look at her. Really look at her. She was fine woman. The way she handled Morelli’s interrogation and now just elegantly stands there. In another time, another situation things could have been diffirent. He lets out a small sigh and Andreea turns her head.




– I see you are leaving, she mentions.
– Yes. My work is done here. We got the AFDA leaks and got it confirmed.
Andreea nods.

– I know. You are called back. I’ll finish little later with this hocus pocus mess.
– Talking about that, Tomas frowns. – I left you the copies of the information I got. Also… I heard amethysts would be really suitable to wear now.
Andreea narrows her eyes at him with light suspicion.

– Just saying, Tomas rubs his temple. – Anyway. I should get going if I plan to catch my flight. It’s been a pl--

- Don’t mention it, Andreea cuts him off. – Seriously. Don’t. She takes Tomas outstretched hand, shakes it as a goodbye. They hold hands a moment longer than needed and then part slowly, fingertips slowly brushing the palms.
– Stay safe.
– You too.



Andreea closes her eyes and takes a deep sigh. He’s gone now and she’s safe again. She doesn’t even know how to contact him even if she would want to. They protect their private lives to the max and for a good cause. He probably goes after that woman he used to date. Good.

Andreea hopes Tomas could be happy in his own life and she… she would lock these feelings away like she's used to do. Lick her wounds in secrecy. Then she notices luxurious gift box left on the table. She approached it with great suspicion.

No. No he didn’t. Jansen, You sentimental fool!


She picked up a card saying Thank you for everything and his initials under that. Andreea’s lips pinned together in thin line. Like she would be some whore with a payment from her services. She opens the gift box, looked at the beautiful piece of jewellery and makes even deeper frown. They were just her style. Golden long drops with purple amethysts embedded into them.




Just let it go. Let it go girl. You’re no one’s rebound. But still some burning, betraying tears roll over her cheeks. Forget it. He belongs to someone else.

*This is the last part of #crossover with @malcojojo_onesixgo
- don't forget to follow his story to see what Vitale and witches do after this! 

Thank you Malcolm. This was great project together! Enjoyed all the planning together!*

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