Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Italy Crossover - 2022 - PART 11

 The Italy Crossover - 2022 - PART 11

Morte Bianca 01 

Danuta presses up and slips her hand around Martine's shoulder and gently rubs it. 

Martine dare not try to pull away. They all tower over her in this form. The teen body that was a safe haven for Martine for years. The kindness of strangers. The attention of men and women alike. The need for them to take care of her. Keep her safe. And now.... 




"So...no more going through my papers. No more sneaking about. I won't stand for it, Martine. Understood?" 

 Danuta squeezes her shoulder and Martine nods. 



 Elke lifts Martine's face. 

"Understood?" Elke's glare sends a shiver down Martine's spine. 


Benedetta chuckles. 


"Good. Please see to Detective Vitale. I want him sent home in the next few days. Alive." 

Martine nods and pulls herself away from Danuta. 

"I'll come check on you, Martine." Danuta calls after her. She whispers, "Le chat..." She giggles. 

Morte Bianca 02 

Martine feels a fury rage within her. She can feel the magic within herself - dark as night. With a turn, a wave of her hands, and focus, she could send dangerous words in motion to ruin Danuta. To smash her down. To make her incredibly ill. 

This body. Could it handle it? Rage grows stronger. 


This body...has outlived its usefulness. 

This body...must change...if she and Vitale are going to survive this.



Morte Bianca 03 


Benedetta Toscani motions to Martine when she's gone. "And THIS will weaken the Coven. THIS is the cancer that will slip through and kill us all. The witch...this mere spec of a girl...can be replaced. Exchanged with someone more loyal. More powerful. Morte Bianca will lead the most powerful Coven in all of Italy. In all of EUROPE!" Her eyes are wild. 





Elke glances at Danuta. "Will you give us a moment, Miss Szymańska?" 

 Danuta bows her head and leaves the room. The door closes. 


"And her...." venom in Beneedetta's voice." 

"I know you were the one who had those zombies kill the detectives, Benedetta." Elke stares. 

"FOR YOU! They DARED challenge you?! Out in the world, they would hunt you. They'd never let you go. I freed you from those insects!" 


 Elke is on her in a flash, ancient words pouring from her mouth and hand firmly on Benedetta's head before she could counter the magic.  

Benedetta feels herself go ridgid. Her jaw locks. Her muscles go taut to the point of extreme pain. It’s hard to breathe. Impossible to speak. 

 "You are a fool...." Elke continues the chanting spell and the words grind through Benedetta like razors. Powerful magic flows from Elke into Benedetta. 


Benedetta feels her insides twist as they are shredded slowly. Bloody tears fill her eyes as they go white and her vision fades. 

Blood trickles from her orifices as muscles give way to the magic. 

She gags and coughs blood. 

Benedetta mentally begs for forgiveness, but can do nothing as her organs shred within her. She sputters, sending blood dribbling. 


 Elke's focus wavers as her head swims with pain from the exertion. She growls, "You failed me," and shoves sending Benedetta to the ground wetly. 

 Elke swoons and feels her body shiver in revolt. This sort of magic is beyond her in this weak state and she knows it. But...lessons had to be taught. Elke feels like she's going to be sick - pain in her head and the fire in her muscles. 


"DANUTA! TO ME NOW!" Morte Bianca blacks out and hits the floor hard.



Martine hears Elke screaming for Danuta and is curious about what made the woman wail like that, but Danuta's words about curiosity ring in her head and she continues on. 

She slips into the holding room created for the detectives and closes the door, the swooping drift as the room settles having little to no effect on her. 

She strips out of her clothing and runs a hand over her body. She won't be able to go back to this body. And...she'll lose the Boîte à Bijoux de la Mort, but the Death Jewel Box has served her well for years and she's ok with letting it go. 


Martine shakes the thought of dread out of her head and turns to the box. She lets the spell pour from her like a waterfall before she can change her mind and the items in the box rattle and writhe. 


Martine waits, then it hits her like an electric shock in her bones. She wails, but no one will be able to hear her in this room. Or will it be her tomb? 

Another shock tears through her and she cringes and jerks. It feels like her bones and organs are on fire. She can't stand and can't stop herself from hitting the floor hard. Her back arches as more jolts slither over her and through her. 



Another scream as she grips her belly and whispers, "Help....me...."



Martine feels the change and a deep memory or slipping out from her mother spikes in her brain as her skin crawls...bones shift....and organs slither...her body growing larger. 

She pants and waits then all is quiet and calm within her. She passes gas with a low brrapp sound and laughs at the absurdity of it before pushing up and looking at herself. 


Longer legs tipped with feet slightly too large for her shoes. Larger breasts. Broader...thicker....stronger. Martine smiles. 

"Mon dieu, ça a marché," she whispers, her voice a bit different as well. She crawls up to her feet and stands awkwardly. 


She feels like a toddler walking for the first time. She takes a step, feels herself starting to fall, and leans back against the wall. This process will take some time, but she knows Vitale doesn't have much time left. She remembers seeing Luciana being dragged away, hand missing and mouth gaping. 


"No...we do this now. Now before this madwoman changes her mind and has us all killed." 

Martine draws in a breath, takes up her old clothes, and picks up the Death Jewel Box not wanting to leave it behind. Even though it's dead, it still holds many memories.  



Libertà 01 

Martine growls out, "Shut up and keep following me, grunt," as they move down the hall. 

 The grunt nods, but says nothing. It gasps with shock at the woman that steps before them and Martine turns. 


"Mar-teeeeeeen. A new look for you? Have we decided to play grown up?" The crone laughs a wet laugh. Her skin is burnt on one side and looks a bit like a melted candle. Her eyes are milky and she smells of decay. 

"I am an adult, Louisa." She hate the way the crone says her name. 

 "And running about loose with him? What are we up to....Mar-teeeeeen? Perhaps Elke would want to know? Or...Danuta? She loves to play with you so much." A smile with missing teeth spreads over the crone's face. 


Martine thinks, then steps forward, grabs the old witch's shoulders, and growls out, "Tomber. Tomber. La vieillesse vous tombe dessus et pourrit votre langue, vos yeux, votre vie. Tombez dans l'obscurité la plus profonde. Mine ennemie. Âme pourrie. Tomber!" The last bits of energy she's gotten from her Death Jewel Box surges out and into the crone. 


The two watch the crone trying to scream as her eyes go wide and rot in her skull. Gelatinous goo dribbles from her eye sockets and mouth as she crumples to the floor. The nasty smell gets worse and worse as the old witch rots on the floor. 

The grunt crosses himself. 


Martine feels lightheaded, but is still standing. 

"Come!" she shouts and the two move down the hall as fast as they can. 



Libertà 02 

The grunt slides along the wall to hold itself up. The magic keeping it moving is starting to fade. Its breathing is shallow and coughs make its whole body tremble. 

"Keep moving." Martine glances around making sure they are not being followed. Doing this during the day wasn't a great idea, but hearing Elke's screams of pain and rage seemed like the ideal distraction. "A bit further." 


They start for the corner when another grunt appears. It's confused and starts to ask what they are doing outside the house when a shower of bullets riddles its face, neck, chest and groin. It is sent flying backwards in a spray of blood. 


The grunt with Martine falls back against the wall and gasps out, "Not...working...anymore...." as he clutches his belly. 

 Martine pulls the mask off. "I'm surprised the potion I put in the mask kept you going for this long." 

Vitale pants, his face a mask of pain and fatigue. "Magic...potion...?" He shakes his head. Martine doesn't have time to explain. 

"We just need to get past the gate. The car is just there. We go now. Before they find him. You will make it?" 

Vitale nods and coughs. "Let's go." 


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